The situation in the Himalaya is not an easy one. It is not only freezing, snowy and windy in winter times but it also one of the most remote areas in the world. Harvesting is a challenging, the diversity of nourishment is limited. While being there, I was astonished to what extend humans can adopt to local challenges regarding the harsh environment.
Our boarding school in Leh has been a success story in the last years. More and more students want to learn and spend their time there. The number of scholars is therefore growing from year to year.
This is why we would like to support their efforts in enlarging accommodation possibilities for the children. The team on site has already started to build new homes – have a look at the pictures yourself. It already looks good but is still a lot of work. The financing of the measures is not guaranteed yet. So – also as XMAS is getting close – support us ! No matter how big or small your amount is, your donation is more than welcome. We will transfer the final amount to Leh. Do not forget, our (= Stella) work is on a pro bono basis so that your donation will flow to 100% down to the educational institutions. As we are recognized as a “Gemeinnütziger Verein” by the German government, you can even make your donation being tax advantageous.
To make it even easier, here again our banking details :
Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. | Stadtsparkasse München | Konto 1000591360 | BLZ 70150000 | IBAN DE21 7015 0000 1000 5913 60 | BIC SSKMDEMM
Thank you for your support a lot in advance!
With love * Corinna-Rosa and the Stella team
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