XMAS Activity 2012

♡ Dear Stella*Supporter, in case you also want make the world a bit smother, simply support our XMAS activity  ♡

We are currently trying to raise funds for our Mountain School in Leh (Himalaya) where more than 170 pupils are living. Their situation is surely not an easy one, so we want to support them in their daily life. The teachers in Leh told us that their copy and printer machine recently carked. To give school lessons in the cold and high mountain regions (3500m) with limited financial resources was already a challenge, so we have decided to help them – with your support!

Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. | Stadtsparkasse München | Konto 1000591360 | BLZ 70150000. (“Leh support”) – No matter what amount you want to donate, it is highly appreciated!

Spendenquittungen are possible as Stella is a “gemeinnütziger Verein”.