Künstler der Charity Art Auction – Sybille Rath

Charity Art Auction – Sybille  Rath
Heute dürfen wir eine weitere Künstlerin und ihr Werk für unsere Charity Art Auction vorstellen.

Geboren in Bonn lebt und arbeitet Sybille Rath in München. Als Trägerin zahlreicher internationaler Auszeichnungen sind ihre Werke in Ausstellungen im In- und Ausland geschätzt.

Sybille Raths Werke zeichnen sich durch Chiffren und Zeichen aus, die sie zu einer  eigenen Ikonographie verarbeitet. Die Reduktion auf das Wesentliche gibt den Figuren freien und großen Raum, um sich zwischen stiller Gelassenheit und Detailreichtum behaupten zu können. Ihre Bildwelten treten in einen facettenreichen Dialog mit der Geschichte der Kunst und der Malerei, sind  aber auch fest in der Gegenwart verankert.

Wenn Sie sich künftig täglich in diesem außergewöhnlichen Kunstwerk verlieren wollen, kommen Sie zu unserer Auktion.



Stella Held*Innen: Anna Frydman

Stella Held*Innen
Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch einen weiteren Künstler unserer Charity Art Auction vorzustellen: die zauberhafte Anna Frydman.
Anna hat in Ludwigshafen das Licht der Welt entdeckt. Sie studierte in Amsterdam und lebte in Portugal und Finnland. Im Jahr 2017 erarbeitete sie das Konzept für die 3. Biennale im Haus der Kunst in München. Wie Corbusier ist auch sie von dem unstillbaren Verlangen geplagt, etwas zu erschaffen. Von sich selbst sagt unsere Heldin: „Doch einfach Schaffen ist nicht genug. Es muss für mich eine Notwendigkeit bestehen, etwas zu machen. Und die Notwendigkeit entsteht dadurch, dass sich mir Fragen oder Beobachtungen aufdrängen, die ich zeichnerisch untersuchen muss.“
Ihre Arbeit für unseren Abend ist diese schöne Aquarell Zeichnung: „Ein wiederkehrender Anlass ist das Phänomen Mensch, mit Augen, Haltung, Haut und Händen versuche ich meine Menschfigur in all ihrer Verletzlichkeit und Einmaligkeit darzustellen. Aber auch der Hund ist ein langjähriges Thema, denn ich habe einen Hund und er ist für mich immer wieder ein Rätsel.“

Stella Held*Innen: Meet Nina Schmid auf unserer Charity Art Auction

Stella Held*innen ✨
Unsere Charity Art Auction rückt näher.
Wir freuen uns sehr, die großartige Nina Schmid vorstellen zu dürfen. Sie wird unsere Veranstaltung pro bono als Sprecherin bereichern.
Nina Schmid ist ursprünglich Architektin. Als Mit-Gesellschafterin der Street Philosophy® gGmbH, Mit-Organisatorin der Beyond Good® Konferenzen, Gründerin von Nina’s Good Life Institute, Autorin und zertifizierter High Performance Coach™, baut sie, statt an Gebäuden, lieber an ihrem Ziel einen positiven Gedankenwandel in der heutigen Gesellschaft in allen Lebensbereichen zu generieren. Nina lebt mit ihren zwei Töchtern und ihrem Hund in Hamburg.
Freuen Sie sich also auf eine ganz besondere Persönlichkeit. ✨
Danke für deine Unterstützung, liebe Nina!Ω

Nina Schmid - Street Philosophy

Nina Schmid – Street Philosophy

Our pottery class in 2018/ Munich

Thanks to your generous support, Stella Enabling Education was able to organise a lot of important events in the first half of the year 2018, such as the pottery class for traumtized women in Munich. Due to the reports of the participating women and their teachers the course has been a big success. The placticity of the clay allowed the women to experiment and express their often repressed emotions and moods through a diversity of forms and activate and train a variety of senses such as fine motor skills, persistence, relaxation and joy, all of which are important therapeutic skills to help them overcoming their experienced traumas. If you would like to support us in organising important events like this also in the future, please find more detailed information on: http://www.stella-bildung-bewegt.org/geld-spenden/ Anna Meisner

We are getting close to our Charity Art Auction! Love wins, always!

We are getting close to our Charity Art Auction! We are so looking forward to seeing you all there ! It is time for a Stella reunion with you, our dear Stella Stars !

This painting is donated from lovely Haiying Xu, a famous Chinese artist, former graduate from the Munich Art Academy. Her paintings are stunning. Check her out (http://www.haiying-xu.com) and try to bid for this piece of art on the 17h of October in Munich.

All revenues we make during this night will flow directly into our projects that means for each 100 EUR we can purchase 20 school books for less privileged children.

What do you say? Comment, if you feel like!

Love wins!

An alle Künstler: die Ausschreibungsfrist für unsere Charity Art Auction hat begonnen

AN ALLE KÜNSTLER: Es ist so weit: Die Ausschreibungsfrist hat begonnen. Gemeinsam mit der Kunstkuratorin Anna Wondrak, wird Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. die nächste Benefiz-Kunstversteigerung bereits in diesem Herbst organisieren. Die Veranstaltung trägt sich selbst, dh wir arbeiten allesamt – einschließlich Musiker, Werbetexter, Presse – ehrenamtlich für den guten Zweck, um diesen noch größer werden zu lassen: Schulbücher für Kinder in Not. Mit jeden 20 EUR können wir 4 dringend benötigte Schulbücher ermöglichen.
Der Abend findet in der attraktiven Event Location MixedMunichArt (MMA) in München statt. Nach einer Vorbesichtigung der Kunstwerke, die musikalisch untermalt wird, wird unser Schirmherr sprechen. Danach ruft das Auktionshaus Karl&Faber die 30 Lose der ausgewählten Künstler auf und läutet den Beginn der Versteigerung der Kunstwerke ein. 
Wir suchen nun nach attraktiven Künstlern, die die Lust empfinden, uns eines ihrer Kunstwerk für den Abend und die Kinder in Not zu spenden. Die Frist zur Einreichung endet am 8. September.
Für weitere Informationen bitte eine kurze Mail an: kunstversteigerung@stella-bildung-bewegt.org.
Wir freuen uns auf Dich!
Dein Stella Team 

Who we are?

Why Stella?

Stella Enabling Education is right for you

    . if you want to empower young children and women through education and personal development

    if you want 100% of your donation to flow directly into project realization. This is possible because all cost of Stella are funded by private and corporate partners

    . if you want to support local projects

    . if you appreciate personal initiatives

    . and if you appreciate the fact that we all work pro bono 

One of our intern, Hubertus, in Delhi

Working with women

WOMEN: The pottery class that took place earlier this year which was organised by Stella Enabling Education for traumatized women has been a great success. Many of the participating women said, that they never had the chance before to work and express themselves artistically, since most of them are coming from underpriviledged backgrounds and many of them experienced violence and abuse in their life. Therefore, pottery making, which has been used for therapeutic purposes for centuries, is a wonderful art of expression which significantly contributes and supports the healing process of traumas. We would very much appreciate your support to make such wonderful events also possible in the future. Each Euro count. Please find more detailed information on: http://www.stella-bildung-bewegt.org/geld-spenden/ LOVE Anna Meisner

Dancing workshop for traumatized kids

DANCE DANCE DANCE: Some while ago, my friend Laura Much, an international dancer, has organized via Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. a dancing workshop for the children of our partner school Blumenau in Munich. The „Kita“ Blumenau is a special education institution. More than 90% of the children have an international background with roots in Iraq, Russia or Croatia. A vast number of the kids are traumatized. They receive special care in the Kita from specially trained teacher. Laura introduced the children to dance free, to let fall their body to the rhythm of the music. She helped them to discover new movements, to forget the feeling for time and the awareness of being in a sports hall. She managed to get their attention from the very beginning – even the boys who were at the beginning watching the workshop with distance – began to get into the “wave” shortly after Laura played the music and started to dance. Laura offered the course to the children, pro bono. Not usual in these times. Here a  video of the afternoon – it was a pleasure to watch the kids leaving their “comfort zone”. Thanks Laura Much!!


More school books for Indonesia: 50 EUR equals 10 news books

MORE SCHOOLBOOKS FOR INDONESIA: Earlier this year, I have helped building up two school libraries. The scholars come mainly from rice farmers and live in the northern part of  Bali. In this part of the island, life is still very traditional. School material is rare and if it is existing very old. Donate today. 50 EUR equals 10 news books. Donate here with the subject “Books for Bali”. Enjoy your day, Corinna-Rosa



How we receive donations…

DONATIONS: I am sometimes asked how I have been making Stella run for more than ten years regarding the money inflow. Fund raising for the good cause is never an easy task and is challenging each social movement. Of course, we organize fund raising events and run memberships but a constant income is also generated through family & friends who have been supporting us since years and years. So – thank you all out there, you little Stella angels! Without you, we would never have been there we are today with our international NGO with the strong local footprints in Germany, India, Ethiopia and Indonesia! Thank*you – Corinna-Rosa

Amazing friends

AMAZING FRIENDS. Earlier this week, I received a little message from a friend of mine. She is a beautiful young physiotherapist with a big big heart. She heard that we are currently looking for more funds for Stella to realize our projects. So, she took over the initiative and has asked within her family to support us and has transferred 400 EUR to our account. Thanks so much!! Love, Corinna-Rosa

Donations instead of Bday gifts ❤️

What for a lovely surprise ! When I checked the Stella account recently, I found various money transfers of 20€, 50€ and even 150€ in our favour. I did not know the donors but some of them stated via their transfers “instead of a birthday present for…” or just “great work”. Behind this positive surprise for us was a woman I never met in person until today. She is friend of a friend of a friend of mine (really!) and she decided to not receive birthday presents but to ask for a donation for the good cause instead and provided her friends with our bank account detail as well as our homepage. We could receive more than 1300€ through this sweet personal initiative. I felt so grateful for this blessing that helps us to further realise our educational projects. A big big big thank you ❤❤!! Corinna-Rosa

Stella Enabling Education at the Munich Ethics Conference!

The Munich Ethics Conference that took place last week at the Literaturhaus in Munich was an amazing get together of crème-de-la-crème speakers who paved the way intellectually. Prof. Nanz, Prof. Nassehi, Prof. Nida-Rümelin, Richard David Precht and Axel Hacke – to just name some of the fascinating speakers. So many inspiring thoughts and ideas for the current challenges we, as Germans, Europeans and World citizens, have to face. We loved it!

The event was organized by Street Philosophy and Beyond Good. You really rock!

A special thanks to Elvire Meier-Comte and Dr. Stephan Meier.

Fund Raising for Books in Leh – you want to join?

We were asked by our partner in Leh whether we could support them with some educational books that are urgently required by the scholars for the new school year. We have already received donations for our school in Leh but hey, donations are never sufficient. So, if you want to support our initiative, please donate under “Books for Leh” your donation to Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. | Stadtsparkasse München | Konto 1000591360 | BLZ 70150000 | IBAN DE21 7015 0000 1000 5913 60 | BIC SSKMDEMM! Sooo good – thank you so much!!

We can all share. Money, love, attention. Corinna

Are you this Sunday in Berlin?

Für alle die, die am kommenden Wochenende in Berlin sind und Lust haben, die Welt ein klein wenig besser zu machen: CHANGE THE WORLD – Wir übernehmen Verantwortung! Eine wunderbare Veranstaltung mit tollen Speakern! Vielleicht bekommt ihr noch Karten 🙂 Viel Erfolg bei dem Event von Stella Enabling Education! Viele Grüße, Corinna

Hier geht es zur Veranstaltung: https://www.facebook.com/verantwortunguebernehmen/?ref=page_internal

Join for the half marathon on the 23rd of September!

Dear all – lets get out our running shoes and go for the half marathon on the 23rd of September in Munich! There is enough time to get in shape. There are fast runners and there will always be fast runners. But this is not an issue. You take your vibe and your time to make it to the end. It is not important how fast you run but that you run! So join! We will also not “just” run but we will do it for good cause! So, we will make a charity run out of this lovely event. If you register, please do it here (around 20 EUR): http://www.oktoberfestlauf.dehttp://www.oktoberfestlauf.de under the name “Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V.” – we will all then be one team! I am sooo much looking forward seeing you next to me 🙂 With love, Corinna

New fundraising ideas in the mountains !

Today, I was brainstorming with Judith how to proceed with our Stella Stella project. We have chosen to walk up the Bavarian Laber mountain. And ideas about the next Stella fundraising idea came so much easier out of our brain cells. It is so enriching to change environment when thinking, ideally when being combined with an activity. No office meeting would have had the same impact in such a funny and fruitful way. What idea we had? More to follow soon 🙂 enjoy your weekend ❤️ with love, Corinna

Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. as participant of the Munich Economic Summit 30th of June to 1st of July 16



Migration: Challenge or Opportunity?

30 June – 1 July 2016

Europe’s immigration conundrum has two distinct strands: the refugees it is obliged to help and those migrants it wants to attract. While it is its legal duty to welcome the first group, by accepting the latter group it helps itself: they are economic migrants keen to work, and Europe needs them. A great many of them. When it comes to economic migrants Europe would rather choose the newcomers, and not the other way around: the ageing continent needs skilled, well-educated immigrants, benefiting both the European economies and the migrants themselves. But do these skilled migrants really prefer Europe to, say, the US or Australia? Are the source countries being deprived of their best brains? How can Europe balance all these competing interests? How can it turn the challenge into an opportunity?

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