Our next projects

Wir freuen uns sehr, mit den eingegangenen Spendengeldern eine weitere Bibliothek im Norden Balis aufbauen zu können! Wir haben uns in den letzten Wochen mit unserem Kooperationspartner vor Ort ausgetauscht und überlegt, was wir in einem ersten Schritt am besten gemeinsam zur Verbesserung der Lernsituation vor Ort unternehmen können. Die Schule, so wie sie hier auf den Bildern dargestellt ist, konnten wir bereits bunt bemalen und somit auch fröhlicher gestalten. Auch haben wir neue Schulbücher für die Kids beschafft. Nun sitzen die Kinder aber noch auf dem Boden. Nicht schön. Auch das wollen wir ändern. Somit werden wir uns in den kommenden Tagen darum bemühen, Bänke und Stühle sowie weitere Regale für die Schule zu besorgen. Mehr Informationen über dieses schöne Projekt werden folgen ♥️!

Die von Stella unterstützen Schulen befinden sich im Norden von Bali. Sie liegen abseits der Touristenpfade und verfügen somit über sehr wenig finanziellen Spielraum. Die Kinder kommen überwiegend aus Bauernfamilien. Die Familien leben in einfachen Hütten mitsamt ihrem Viehbestand. Internet ist in der Region so gut wie nicht vorhanden. Eine Schule mit überwiegend über 100 Schulkinder hat im Schnitt ca. 4 Lehrkräfte, einschließlich dem Rektor. 

How we manage our donation inflow…

DONATIONS: Fund raising for the good cause is never an easy task and is challenging each social movement. Of course, we organize fund raising events and run memberships but a constant income is also generated through family & friends who have been supporting us since years and years. So – thank you all out there, you little Stella angels! Without you, we would never have been there we are today with our international NGO with the strong local footprints in Germany, India, Ethiopia and Indonesia!


Morgen kommt auch ein echter Immendorf unter unseren Hammer

Was für ein toller Last Minute Eingang Die in Ilmmünster ansässige Korff-Stiftung hat für unsere morgige große Charity Art Auction noch eine Grafik des Düsseldorfer Künstlers Jörg Immendorf (1945-2007) zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Ähnlich wie Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. unterstützt die Korff-Stiftung Kinder in Not, sowie alleinerziehende bedürftige Mütter. Wir leben somit das Motto, dass wir nur gemeinsam stark sind. Wunderbar.
Zu Immendorf: Der ehemalige Schüler von Jospeh Beuys hatte seinen Durchbruch 1972 mit seiner Teilnahme an der documenta 5. Er ist einer der wichtigsten deutschen Künstler der Gegenwart, der besonders durch seine politisch motivierte Kunst mit Themen wie der Teilung von Deutschland einer großen Öffentlichkeit bekannt wurde. Wenn Sie dieses Werk morgen ihr eigenes nennen wollen, dann kommen sie ab 18.30h bei uns im Lovelace vorbei.

You want to know what happens on the 17th of October?

✨Invitation – “Art Happening im Heizkraftwerk” including Charity Art Auction,

organized by Stella Enabling Education e.V. in collaboration with art curator Anna Wondrak✨

✨Please feel invited, take some friends with you and join our magic event composed of a fusion of philosophy, art, acrobatics & jazz sounds, , which is crowned by a big charity art auction.

There will also be a tombola with many great prizes to win!

✨Wednesday, 17th of October 2018✨

6.30pm | Speed exhibition with artists present, jazz band, acrobatics
8pm | Key notes
8.30pm | Auction start
9.30pm | Ending notes, jazz & tombola
11pm | End of event

Event location | MixedMunichArts | Kesselhalle
Katharina-von-Bora-Strasse 8a | 80333 Munich

Up to 800 people can fit into the exhibition hall.

The location is not barrier-free
Free entrance

✨Stella Stars✨

Anna Wondrak | Art Curator & Corinna-Rosa Hacker | Stella Enabling Education e.V.

Key note speaker: Nina Schmid | Street Philosophy & Florentine Rosemeyer | Art Advisory
Karl & Faber | Art Auction 
Sarah Rohmann | Event Management
H+S Veranstalter | Event Location
Christoph John | Press Contact
Sueco | Manufaktur Munich
Mediahelden GmbH | Video
Alte Wiede-Fabrik | Support
Höllensprudel | Support
David Scharfenberg | Photography
Anja Prestel | Photography
Schlossgut Oberambach | Support
IsarDogs | Caterer
Anton Groiss | Wine Trade
Restaurant Déjà Bu | Support
The Skaag | Support
Get green plus GmbH | Support
Latham & Watkins LLP | Legal Advice
Eva Römmelt | Feine Worte
…and many more as well as over 40 artists

Charity Art Auction – die h+s veranstaltungen Gmbh stellt die Eventlocation für unsere Charity Art Auction

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass sich die h+s veranstaltungen gmbh dazu bereit erklärt hat, uns die großartige Eventlocation – die Kesselhalle im Heizwerk 1, mitten im Herz Münchens – kostenfrei für unser Benefiz-Kunstversteigerung zur Verfügung zu stellen. Ein großes Dankeschön nochmal auf diesem Wege für die überaus großzügige Geste!

Das ehemalige Heizkraftwerk besticht durch seinen industriellen Purismus. Wie es so schön auf der Homepage der h+s veranstaltungen gmbh heisst: „Hier werden Träume von Eventwelten zur Realität.“

Wir sind stolz, unsere Auktion in einem so tollen und stilvollen Rahmen abhalten zu dürfen.

Mehr Infos zur h+s veranstaltungen gmbh:

Zum Event:

Alle Infos:

✨ Sie wollen wissen, was die soziale Basis unseres Events am 17.10 ist? ✨

✨ Wie gestalten wir eine Magic Night aus Menschen, die sich teilweise noch nie zuvor begegnet sind? Unsere Antwort: nur gemeinsam. Auch deshalb ist das Motto unseres Abends der Sharing Gedanke. 

Alle Künstler, Akrobaten, Schauspieler, Redner und Organisationen des Abends arbeiten unentgeltlich und voller Begeisterung zusammen, um ein anderes Ziel als “Was bekomme ich dafür?” zu erreichen. Dies zeigt, dass der Sharing Gedanke auch in diesen von Unsicherheit gekennzeichneten Zeiten weiterlebt. Ein Geschenk.  

Kommen sie am 17.10 in das alte Heizkraftwerk in München. Geniessen Sie einen Abend, an dem Philosophie, Kunst, Akrobatik & Jazzklänge aufeinandertreffen und das von einer zauberhaften Charity Art Auction & Tombola gekrönt wird.

Wir freuen uns sehr auf Sie !

✨What is going on on the Indonesian Gili islands after the earthquake early Aug 18 ✨

✨ Since earlier this year, we have been successfully cooperating with Gili Eco Trust, a local NGO based on the Gili Islands close to Bali. We already run different workshops in which the children have learned how to protect the environment and used trash to release their creativity to create figures, cars and more. 

✨ On the 5th of August, Gili Trawangan and the north of Lombok was hit by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake and more than 1,000 aftershocks in the month to come. Homes, shops and sadly, the local schools were all badly damaged or destroyed. Thanks to action from the government, temporary tents have been installed and children are now back to learning in morning camps at the field and in playgrounds away from damaged buildings.

✨ As things are slowly returning to normal and the island is being cleared of rubble and destroyed buildings, the local NGO, Gili Eco Trust have finally re-opened our Saturday classes. The first week only four children attended our supplementary class as many children were evacuated to Lombok so their families could help rebuild villages and their parents were afraid to return home to Gili. These kids enjoyed 2 hours with the volunteers of the Gili Eco Trust, playing games, singing songs and talking about the world today and how it was different 2000 years ago. The next week, a further six children showed up and the volunteers had prepared more games and activities to distract them and give them a chance to relax, play on the school equipment and forget about the trauma of the last months.

✨ Each week the island is becoming more busy, the school camps are running every morning and we hope that more and more children will come again to our Saturday green classes. This week, the volunteers have planned sessions about the underwater life around the Gili Islands. Our next 6 weeks of classes will help to learn about aquatic life and learn how to keep the oceans clean. Our up and coming games and projects include games to clean the beach together and learn how to separate the rubbish that they find, to think how it got there in the first place and why it is so important to recycle it as well.

Unser Erfolg: Umwelt- und Kunstworkshop auf den Gili Islands / Indonesien

Seit Anfang des Jahres kooperieren wir mit einer ganz wunderbaren Einrichtung auf den Gili Islands in Indonesien. Eine französische Tauchlehrerin verliebte sich in die Gegend, blieb dort, gründete eine Tauchschule. Schon bald musste sie am eigenen Leib erfahren, wie verschmutzt Meerwasser sein kann. Beim Tauchen stieß sie immer öfters auf alte Wasserflaschen, Putzeimer und Flip Flop Sandalen, die besitzlos im Wasser trieben. Sie nahm sich dem Thema an und gründete vor Ort eine NGO, die sich nun dem Gedanken der Aufklärung und Bildung verschrieben hat. Mehr Infos: https://www.stella-bildung-bewegt.org/gili-eco-trust-indonesia/ 

Wir sind begeistert und konnten dieses Jahr bereits unser erstes gemeinsames Projekt vor Ort umsetzen: Im Sommer fanden auf Gili Trawangan Workshops mit Kindern in Kooperation mit Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. statt. Umwelterziehung ist, wie so vieles, am besten im Kindesalter zu erlernen. Deswegen wollten wir dort anknüpfen. Gemeinsam mit Fachkräften wurde kindergerecht über Umweltprobleme gesprochen. Es wurden Bilder von den Meeresbewohnern gezeigt, die auf Müll im Wasser treffen und das, was sich daraus ergeben kann. Wie beispielsweise eine Schildkröte, die sich in einem Plastikkanister so verdreht hat, dass sie sich aus diesem nicht mehr befreien kann. Dass ein Teil des Mülls auch kreatives Potential hat, wurde in einem Müll-Kunst-Workshop im Anschluss gezeigt und auch von den Kleinen ausprobiert: kleine Kunstwerke entstanden. Dies ist ganz im Sinne unseres Vereins, versuchen wir doch durch viele unserer Aktivitäten Kunst und Bildung zu paaren. Anbei ein paar Bilder aus den verschiedenen Workshops für Sie!

Wenn Sie hierfür spenden wollen, bitten wir um eine Überweisung mit dem Titel „Gili Umwelterziehung“ auf folgendes Spendenkonto (Spendenquittungen sind möglich): STELLA BILDUNG BEWEGT E.V. | STADTSPARKASSE MÜNCHEN | IBAN DE 21 7015 0000 1000 591360 | BIC SSKMDEMM

✨More books for South India✨

✨ We feel very happy that we could provide our school project in Southern India with more school books. Our local partner has been cooperating with us since a couple of years and since then, we have already been successfully launching various educational projects together. The latest is this one. Due to the high donation amount of one amazingly kind donor coming from the Allgäu/ Bavaria, we could buy more than 800 school books for the street kids in South India.

✨Why we have decided to collaborate? Because we felt an urge to do so. We have been working with our Indian partner NGOs for more than a decade and our experiences were – surely also due to our highly selective process that stands at the beginning of each partnership – overwhelming positive. Street kids in India do have a difficult life. Some experiences they have to make are just not imaginable for us. But street kids do also have the same interests as other children living somewhere else as well. They want to feel listened to, loved, stimulated and inspired. Books do not only offer the chance to get better in reading & writing but they do often also offer a new world for them. A world full of imagination that provides creativity and a vision-full thinking. A great base for a strong personality that hopefully will one day be able to escape the circle of poverty.

✨We feel very very thankful that we could help so much. Thank you, dear sponsor(s).

✨Love wins, Yours Stella Team

✨One Team – the best gift ✨

✨Unsere Veranstaltung am 17.10 steht unter dem Sharing Gedanken. Wir von Stella erachten es gerade in unsteten Zeiten als wichtig, Zeichen zu setzen. So befindet sich auch Deutschland in einem Veränderungsprozess: russischer Neoimperialismus, amerikanische Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber der EU sowie eine Neuausrichtung internationaler Regeln. Dieses Umfeld führt zu Unsicherheit, auch zu einer Spaltung der Bürger. Umso schöner ist es, dass wir im Rahmen der Vorbereitung für unsere Charity Art Auction Menschen unterschiedlichen Hintergrunds, die sich noch nie zuvor begegnet sind, für die gute Sache haben gewinnen und vereinen können. Heute morgen trafen unsere Kunstkuratorin Anna Wondrak auf unseren Photographen David, den Videoexperten Mario, den Akrobaten Karl, Team Lead „Helfende Hände“ Julia und Presseexperten Christoph aufeinander um unsere wirklich coolen Veranstaltungsräume des MMA zu besichtigen. Wunderbar. Vorausgegangen war ein bereits ein intensiver Austausch über Möglichkeiten sowie bereichernde Ideen für diesen Abend. Allein für diesen Zusammenhalt und gemeinsame Einsatz sind wir bereits dankbar und sehr glücklich.✨

You know what else you can do with your money?


The answer is simple: Share and multiply its value. With 5 EUR you cannot only enable us to buy one urgently required new school book but you can also create a sparkle in the eyes of the school kids. This is what we did in August. We furnished another school libary in a remote part of Indonesia with new school books. The children were working with one of the oldest and most used books I have ever seen. The majority of them were moldy as they were in use for decades. Do you know one child who loves going to school when the books are in that kind of state? I do not.

Thank you, dear sponsors, for your ongoing support that enables us to change our beautiful world piece by piece.

Some of the school books! They are bilingual.

Reading time! Easy as the content is modern and attention catching!

Swimming lessons für women in Munich

After we successfully launched the first swimming training round for young refugee women, we are planing to organize more in Munich! Swimming is not only a playful activity to strengthen the whole physical body but also a beautiful occasion to resonate with ones own body. A lot of the refugee women are traumatized and have barely had the occasion to “feel themselves”, as their major focus was to reach the country they had always dreamed of as being “better” than their home place. Being in a swimsuit, learning how to swim and being encouraged to go on the edge, can create chances to develop their own personality. We love it. Want to support this project financially ? Click here. 

Helping with pottery classes

POTTERY HELPS: The pottery class for traumatized women which was organized by Stella Enabling Education in Munich has just been finished. The class captured more than 15 women and was running since the end of February. We received a lot of positive feedback from these wonderful and strong women who participated in this important course as well as their committed teachers. The women enjoyed especially the idea and process of creativity and creation with their hands which helped them to express and free their emotions, which have often been repressed as a consequence of traumatising events they experienced in their life. If you would like to support us in organising important events like this, please find more detailed information on: http://www.stella-bildung-bewegt.org/geld-spenden/ Love – Anna Meisner

Die Medienagentur “Feine Worte” unterstützt uns bei unserer Charity Art Auction im Oktober

“FEINE WORTE”: Die Kraft der Sprache ist so essentiell. Auch, wenn es darum geht, das Werbematerial für unsere Benefiz-Kunstversteigerung im Oktober zu gestalten. Wir freuen uns somit umso mehr, die Münchner Medienagentur “Feine Worte” für unser Event auch in diesem Jahr wieder als Partner für diese Tätigkeit gewonnen zu haben. Die Idee unsere Benefizveranstaltung ist wie in den vergangenen Jahren auch von dem Sharing Gedanken geprägt. Wir bringen uns alle ehrenamtlich und ohne Gage ein, um einen größeren Zweck, hohe Erlöse für dringend benötigte Schulbücher in Indien und Indonesien, zu erreichen. Sharing ist Caring. Danke, Eva Römmelt, für Deine jahrelange Treue unserem gemeinnützigen Verein gegenüber! Eure Stellas 


Hier Bilder von unserer letzten Charity Art Auction.

School Books for Streetkids in South India

Wir freuen uns so sehr, dass wir im Frühjahr 2018 im Süden Indiens haben helfen können: Schulbücher für Strassenkinder. So lautet eines unserer Projekte. Armut ist ein weiter Begriff. In Indien kann er bedeuten, ohne ein Dach über dem Kopf leben zu müssen und nicht zu wissen, wann es eine nächste Mahlzeit gibt. Es gibt kein staatliches soziales Auffangnetz. Bildung ist oft der einzige Weg um dieser Spirale zu entkommen. Die Kinder dort sind genauso wissbegierig wie anderswo auch. Bei Kindern, die auf der Straße leben, fehlt es insbesondere an Lernmaterialien. Um dies zu ändern haben wir mit unserem lokalen Partner Schulbücher besorgt, mit denen die Kinder nun Lesen lernen und in fremde Welten eintauchen können um so auch Impulse für andere Lebensmodelle und -perspektiven zu bekommen. 

[masterslider id=”8″]

Third library for Bali!

THIRD LIBRARY FOR BALI: Earlier this year, we could built up two school libraries in remote areas on Bali. The children who go to school there are working not only with a very limited range of educational books but also with books that are more than thirty years old and already rotten. Book pages are often missing. Together with our local partner Gusti we have decided do to more and build up a new third school library because we want to provide more children with access to education. The first books were bought these days in the capital Denpasar. Check out the video and if you feel like, donate 200€, 500€ or 1000€ for the good cause: www.stella-enabling-education.org !

100% of your donation flows directly into the project realization as all cost of Stella are funded by private and corporate partners.

Working with hands to overcome traumata

The pottery class that took place earlier this year which was organised by Stella Enabling Education for traumatized women has been a great success. Many of the participating women said, that they never had the chance before to work and express themselves artistically, since most of them are coming from underpriviledged backgrounds and many of them experienced violence and abuse in their life. Therefore, pottery making, which has been used for therapeutic purposes for centuries, is a wonderful art of expression which significantly contributes and supports the healing process of traumas. We would very much appreciate your support to make such wonderful events also possible in the future. Each Euro count. Please find more detailed information on: http://www.stella-bildung-bewegt.org/geld-spenden/ – Yours Anna Meisner

Dancing workshop for traumatized kids

DANCE DANCE DANCE: Some while ago, my friend Laura Much, an international dancer, has organized via Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. a dancing workshop for the children of our partner school Blumenau in Munich. The „Kita“ Blumenau is a special education institution. More than 90% of the children have an international background with roots in Iraq, Russia or Croatia. A vast number of the kids are traumatized. They receive special care in the Kita from specially trained teacher. Laura introduced the children to dance free, to let fall their body to the rhythm of the music. She helped them to discover new movements, to forget the feeling for time and the awareness of being in a sports hall. She managed to get their attention from the very beginning – even the boys who were at the beginning watching the workshop with distance – began to get into the “wave” shortly after Laura played the music and started to dance. Laura offered the course to the children, pro bono. Not usual in these times. Here a  video of the afternoon – it was a pleasure to watch the kids leaving their “comfort zone”. Thanks Laura Much!!


Donation received by surprise, lovely !

MONEY: Yes, also we from Stella Enabling Education need cash to realize our projects! Money, money, money … How to improve our cash balance, we ask ourselves some days … and then, on other days, lovely surprises reaches us as e.g. a donation of 250 EUR from my new assurance agent who spontaneously transferred the money yesterday night to our NGO account. The same day, I sent him an email in which, by coincidence, my signature with www.stella-enabling-education.org is stated in small letters. He was obviously reading my mail until the very end of the signature text, went on our homepage and then, hoooop, showed action! I never met my agent in person, we just spoke once on the phone. We, humans, are amazing. So full of surprises. Lets never give up our hope in believing in the good. Hugs, Corinna-Rosa

Books for Bali in 2018!

Bali – distributing the most amazing teaching books ever ♥♥ – the books were designed by local artists and covered environmental issues as well as animal protection in such a sweet and convincing way that I started to read the books myself with huge enthusiasm. ❤ We want to do more. Support our work if you feel it’s a good thing: www.stella-enabling-education.org

Pottery Class for traumatized Women in Munich

Pottery class for traumatized women in Munich: We are not just happy but thrilled to have launched our first pottery course for traumatized women in Munich! It starts today, Wednesday, the 2nd of May, and will run for two months teaching more than 15 women how to express themselves through art. Pottery is a chance to feel new material in ones hands and to shape a new unique figure that never existed before. The participating women all have a social background in which the expression of an own character was often not taught, neither encouraged. They come from financially underprivileged families and/ or were sexually abused. For most of these women it is the first time in their life to get the chance to enter into a new life dimension. By taking the time and by being guided by an expert to first feel and then shape, to create an external body form of what they experience(d) deep inside. You think this is cool? Support us: http://www.stella-bildung-bewegt.org/geld-spenden/

More swimming lessons for young refugee women in Munich

After we successfully launched the first swimming training round for young refugee women, we are planing to organize more in Munich! Swimming is not only a playful activity to strengthen the whole physical body but also a beautiful occasion to get in resonance with ones own body. A lot of the refugee women are traumatized and have barely had the occasion to “feel themselves” as their major focus was to reach the country they were always dreaming of as being a “better place” to their home place. Being in a swimsuit, learning how to swim and being encouraged to go on the edge create a chance to further develop ones own personality. We love it. Want to support this project financially ? Click here. 

Accomplished: Swim training for young refugee women in Munich!

We are were glad that we could organize swim training for young refugee women in Munich this year. Judith Stangl realized the project. Most of the women come from an islamic background. Most of them never learned how to swim. It is great seeing them enjoying their swim lessons that took place during a 2 months training. More info about this endeavor to come soon!

We did it : New library equipment for a remote school in the Northern part of Bali! Yeah!!

In January, I was in the Northern part of Bali helping to build up a library for more than 100 sweet elementary school kids. I will soon share more about that story, but here already some images and a few words.

With Gusti, my amazingly sweet Balinease cooperation partner, we drove with our motorbikes through heavy rain, the 300 school books somehow well and dry-safe stored under our feed, on our backs and our hips until we have finally reached the school. The school is something like an hour out of Ubud, located in a non-touristic area. And, guess what – when we arrived, the sun was shining. Magic.

The school kids waved and welcomed us warmly. I am so happy that I could give a little bid back to this magical islands that has entered into my heart already 22 years ago when I first rode on its mystical waves during my first visit here. I would love to do more here to strengthen the local cultural development.

If you feel like this is a good thing, support our pro bono initiative by liking us https://m.facebook.com/StellaEnablingEducation/…
or even help us with donations
Each Euro is soo required.

Sharing is caring, that is what can be read everywhere – so let’s practice it!

Love – Coco

Charity Art Auction

CHARITY ART AUCTION: Almost ten years ago, I have organised a charity art auction at the Lenbachhaus in Munich. Around twenty artists donated each one piece of their oeuvres for the good cause. Classical music was played by musician friends of mine. The outcome was overwhelming. We made more than 13.000€ on that night. The artists Haying Xu and Jan Davidoff joined the Stella initiative ten years ago as well and we became good friends since ten. We met last week at the art opening of Haying in the gallery Binder. This is where these pictures were made. This is her work (which I admire a lot). With Anna Wondrak, a well-respected art historian, we have recently started to plan another charity art auction in Munich. More information to be provided soon! I am already looking very much forward to the next Stella event ! Enjoy your sweet Sunday ❤☀❤

Sunday surprise! Always welcome!

Good morning little beautiful world – you are so amazing and daily full with surprises. Like today, as I woke up, checked the account of my little NGO Stella Enabling Education and found many beautiful small money transfer transactions to our favor. Someone who has had recently her birthday party, obviously have asked to receive donations for the good cause instead of presents for herself. Many people, I never met before, donated therefore parts of their income to us so that we, the Stella community, can continue our work. I have founded Stella ten years ago and am working in my free time to keep the organization ongoing. All the money we receive flows directly into our projects. We could reach almost 4000 kids in the meantime. You see, sooo much is possible if you only believe in it and know what you want. Thank youuuuuuuu – with much much love, Corinna-Rosa

Books for Leh!

Here our video from Leh for you. We have been supporting the school since more than ten years. Hundreds of hundreds of scholars were able to learn how to write, to read and to do maths. This year, we could provide them with tons of new school books. The children do come from remote parts of the Himalaya and need sometimes a couple of days to reach the boarding school. Have a look yourself: our scholars definitely enjoy them. Thanks to your generosity! Love Corinna-Rosa

You want to meet the real heros?

Just recently, we could be the sunshine for 70 little kids. But who is really behind the “we”? Stella just helped to raise the money. Anja & her colleagues, the childcare teacher, did the real work: they colored 70 (!) bags so that each child could hold their surprises tightly in their little hands. Just so often, we forget to thank all the teachers, nurses and other healthcare workers for what they do for our society. THANK YOU 🙂 – in particular, when a little extra honey, as coloring those brown bags, is added. Love, Corinna

Within only a couple of days, we raised 700 EUR…

…and could make Saint Nicolas came. 70 little kids, from whom around 80% come from families without a job, were enjoying his show. We made them (and obviously me) not only smile but could offer them also a hand-made colored gift bag with toothpaste, shower gel & more.

You want to support us? Happy to receive your donations: IBAN: DE21701500001000591360 // Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. Stadtsparkasse München

We made it – Saint Nicolas came to our little ones

We made it ! Last Wednesday, we could invite Saint Nicolas to our little ones. Within only a couple of days, we received the required 700€ so that 70 children could happily go home with a little present bag. Only useful things were provided such as shower gels or tooth brushes. 80% of the young children come from families in which both parents are unemployed. Some kids are coming to kindergarten without breakfast. Can you imagine that this is happening in the center of Munich, just around the train station, some hundred meters away from our elegant Maximiliansstrasse ? Life is full of opposites. Sometimes challenging as in the described context but charming in other situations as well. Happy Advent – Sunday – Yours Corinna