Dear all – lets get out our running shoes and go for the half marathon on the 23rd of September in Munich! There is enough time to get in shape. There are fast runners and there will always be fast runners. But this is not an issue. You take your vibe and your time to make it to the end. It is not important how fast you run but that you run! So join! We will also not “just” run but we will do it for good cause! So, we will make a charity run out of this lovely event. If you register, please do it here (around 20 EUR): http://www.oktoberfestlauf.de under the name “Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V.” – we will all then be one team! I am sooo much looking forward seeing you next to me 🙂 With love, Corinna
Author Archives: Stella Enabling Education Team
20 Million humans are suffering from human trafficking – most of them young girls and women
For a lot of people, life is still a fight for survival. Actually, for the majority of the people living on this planet. For some of us, earth can be hell. Like for those humans that are suffering from human trafficking. I am personally not a big fan of the pope as I am not a fan of religions, no matter what religion, either. Nonetheless, I do appreciate if the big chef is raising awareness for special social issues within his community of faith. So he did last week: 20 million humans are suffering from human trafficking. 2/3 of the victims are forced to sexual acts in the industry of forced prostitution. The majority are young girls and women. I am sure, the dark number is much higher – depending also on the definition of „forced prostitution“ and the available data. To empower girls and women, education is the key. Education in the sense of not only knowing maths and writting but also of developing a strong inner personality and being inspired by others, also by other women to do different. With this, there might be a chance to escape such an imposed circle of violence, exploitation and heteronomy. With love for a great Tuesday, Corinna-Rosa
Der Rockstar der IT Branchen: Franzi Kühne im Interview
Digital-Unternehmerin Fränzi Kühne über Leichtigkeit im Job, Digitalisierung im Klassenzimmer und die Frage, warum Kinder coden können sollten.
Es fängt also bei der Digitalkompetenz der Eltern an?
Ganz genau. Es ist eine elterliche Pflicht, sich mit der Digitalisierung zu beschäftigen und eine Haltung zu entwickeln. Einfach zu sagen: „Das Internet ist böse und schlecht für mein Kind“ ist zu einfach. Klar haben viele Scheu vor dem Unbekannten. Aber alles Digitale als Feind zu sehen, geht mir zu weit. Digitalisierung ist unsere Zukunft. Und deshalb müssen Kinder eine Digitalkompetenz erlernen. Da rede ich nicht mal von Programmieren lernen oder IT als Pflichtfach.
Das ganz Interview gibt es hier.
Yes, admin work required!
It is saturday morning. Early morning. The clouds are still hanging silently over the roofs of my neighbor houses. The streets down my apartment submerged already with the general summer vacation spirit. Almost no noise at all comes up to my open window. As I woke up, I thought to use my morning energy to go over some Stella documents and to bring them up-to-date. Laura Much, sitting in Berlin, is supporting me. Adjusting the Stella Layout really requires time and patience as well as an exchange with the German tax authorities. Before I founded Stella in 2009, I had no clue what requirements one need to fulfill when being responsible for an „eingetragener Verein“. Wow, I still said to myself. I am an accredited lawyer but still, even I am struggling from time to time with the legal requirements. How can someone not being specially trained handle the bureaucracy, I sometimes asked myself. But, hey, sometimes it is good to start something without knowing all consequences before, right? Out of the right motivation. Mine was to make a change. And to just start. Without evaluating all pros and cons. And, as you can see, this is were we are standing with our non-profit initiative. You can be the change. Just go for it. The rest will come. Happy saturday, dear friends. With love, Corinna-Rosa
New beamer for the refugee school in Munich!
Dear friends, just recently, I received this little card which I want to share with you. Thanks to your financial support, we could provide the refugee school with two new beamers. And we all know, due to our own experiences, how useful it can be to have visual elements beamed to the wall. You might remember one of your last business meetings, university class or your own home cinema. Visualization is an important mean to train the brain, to learn. The beamers here will be used during school class for the young refugees. School teaching is so much easier and more efficient. So, I feel very happy that we were able to make such a nice gift! With love, Corinna-Rosa
Bin gerade auf diese schöne Mail gestoßen…
…und wollte sie mit Euch teilen. Alles Liebe, Corinna
Laura Much joins Stella Enabling Education e.V. – welcome !
Voilà, my dear friend Laura Much from Berlin! So happy she finds a bid of time in her full agenda to support our social efforts in the future:) Juche 🙂 Happy Wednesday to all of you, dear friends! With love, Corinna-Rosa
Our summer newsletter 2017!
Dear friends,
I am happily sending you some summer kisses from Munich. Yeeees – Stella is ongoing and in its 9th year of operation. I cannot believe how fast time is moving and I am so proud of what we have already achieved during the last years! Just take those examples: some days ago, we could provide our Munich refugee center for young refugees with urgently required school material. And, as a little cherry on the top of the cake – I am working to be able to offer swim lessons to young muslim women living in Munich! I do so hope we can get sufficient financial support to realize this project! Of course, our projects in India (the mountain region and Delhi) are still as well in the focus. Feel invited to check out where I post regularly our activities. We are all working on a non-profit base so the Stella work needs to be done during the weekend or late at night as now. But hey, a little extra has never done harm to anyone. In particular not if the cause is to empower others through education, right?
Ah, and not to forget: on September 23rd, we are participating at the half-marathon in Munich as the “Stella Charity Run Team” to raise further funds for our projects. Correct – the same day as the Octoberfest opens. What could be a better start for the 5th season of the year? I would really be happy if some of you would like to join. I. myself, will be happy to somehow make it to the end and do less care about the timing…surely there are more ambitious runners in our team. So, each of you – independently from your fitness level – can join for this Charity run. Mail me for more info!
Have a wonderful night and never forget to listen to butterflies when they laugh!
Corinna-Rosa Hacker
So sweet – this feedback regarding our work…
…thanks !
New fundraising ideas in the mountains !
Today, I was brainstorming with Judith how to proceed with our Stella Stella project. We have chosen to walk up the Bavarian Laber mountain. And ideas about the next Stella fundraising idea came so much easier out of our brain cells. It is so enriching to change environment when thinking, ideally when being combined with an activity. No office meeting would have had the same impact in such a funny and fruitful way. What idea we had? More to follow soon 🙂 enjoy your weekend ❤️ with love, Corinna
Sommerfest mit mehr als 500 Minis mit Migrationshintergrund – Danke Euch!
Ihr Lieben – am vergangenen Freitag hat das Sommerfest unseres Kooperationspartners Hilfe von Mensch zu Mensch e.V. unter dem Motto „Begegnung der Kulturen“ stattgefunden. So viel schöne Energie 🙂 ! Musik, Tanz und Spiel. Und so ganz ohne Berührungsängste. Dafür mit einem vollen Büffet und Speisen aus über 50 Nationen. Eine kulinarische Entdeckungsreise von Bayern bis Persien. Wir konnten mit Stella hier über 500 fliegende Tombola Luftballons für die Kinder beisteuern und haben auch noch für den Nachtisch sorgen können. Tausend Dank an alle Unterstützer – with Love, Corinna
Oh oh…auch Saudi Arabien kann besser sein!
Saudi Arabien – das “Land der unsichtbaren Frauen” – wie schön wäre es, wenn sich Saudi Arabien bald zum Land der sichtbaren Frauen entwickelt! Die Frauen dort tragen eine unglaubliche Schönheit in sich. Niemand hat sich hinter einer Ladung Kleidung zu verstecken, wenn er nicht möchte! Also her damit – wir wollen diese Frauen sehen und bewundern!
Love & Hugs, Corinna
“Saudi-Arabien – Frau im Minirock festgenommen: Polizisten in Saudi-Arabien haben eine junge Frau festgenommen. Ihr Vergehen: Sie hatte ein Video gepostet, in dem sie mit Minirock und Top bekleidet durch eine Gasse lief.” Mehr zum Artikel aus dem heutigen Spiegel Online hier.
Mehr Vorbilder dieser Art bitte :)
“Warum sollte ich mich verkleiden?”
Different life scenarios but still one world.
Yesterday, I was reading the newspaper DIE ZEIT. About the hunger crisis in South Sudan. The weakest are those who die the first: the old people, the little ones, the sick. There was the story of a young boy who is daily leaving his hut before sunrise, trying to catch fishes to feed all members of his family at noon. His father is too sick to do the job. The boy himself is undernourished. Today, he could only catch one fish. One fish for the family. Not sufficient.
The same day, at night, I was celebrating the French 14th of July in a little French bar. Different society. No war. No hunger. Sufficient means in available distance, from everything too much. In Western society, people are actually eating so much – too much – that there is the perplexity that, worldwide seen, there are more people suffering from overweight and their consequences than from hunger. To top this statement: we actually do have enough to nourish everyone living with us on earth. Humanity was threatened for the majority of their lifetime by hunger. Today, we successfully managed to overcome this issue.
We all know, the world is not based on fairness. I still do not know what exactly brought me here, growing up in the Western world with all its possibilities and what brought a little boy to be born into one of the poorest and worst managed countries. Driving this question to a peak, would most probably only lead to frustration. But I do know that there is responsibility that comes along. We cannot only take and take and take and make capitalism and the value of money being our only targets. We also have to give to those who are excluded from the machinery of wealth. To not starve hunger should be a basic right for everyone in the current world. We could realize it easily.
I have founded Stella years and years ago. I am leading Stella next to the job I am earning my money to pay my rent with. When looking back, I am so proud. It is amazing what such a little NGO could achieve in the last years…from the mountain school support in the Himalaya to the e.g. school books for the street kids in Delhi or the latest idea to provide young Muslim refugee women with swim training units in Munich. So, I would like to use this Saturday morning to thank you, dear Stella stars for your ongoing and never ending financial support to make this all come real. Enjoy this lovely day – Yours, Corinna
How about a donation to enable female refugees to participate at swim lessons?
Germany has shown that humanity can prevail fear by admitting refugees to enter our country. This was a major sign to the contemporary world and it made me, as a German girl, being proud of being a German. And no, not everything works out fine since then, neither did it before – e.g. some laws finally need to be stronger implemented. But that is also life: The world is never static. And better now than never. But please stop complaining, rather act and work in making the situation becoming a better one. We now have guests in our country, some of them permanently, so it is the best starting to integrate them. The sooner the better. Each of us can do so. Talk to the refugees – they are out there, in our streets next corner, invite them for a cup of coffee and just ask how they are doing. Make a little difference. With Stella and in close cooperation with our partner Startklar e.V., we would like to provide 20 young refugee women with the possibility to take swim lessons in the Müller’sches Volksbad. Why? Because women and kids are the most vulnerable one. Because they never swam in their life as no one was there to teach this skill to them. Because they love being in the water and when they enjoy what they are doing, they feel happy and smile. If you want to participate: Please donate 30 Euro for one unit of swim training for one refugee woman. Please state “Swim course” and transfer your money to IBAN: DE21701500001000591360 | BIC: SSKMDEMM // Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. Contribution receipts possible. Thanks to you and your constant support, dear Stella supporters!!
Role of women in Schweden, France and the USA
Valuable insights about the different assigned roles of women in Sweden, France and the USA regarding their sexuality and empowerment and the importance of a respective education when they are still girls. Enjoy the reading of the NY Times article here.
Education is key
Do not forget : child bride or child doctor? Education makes the difference. Education is key for girls to resist suppression and poverty. Become a part of our movement ! Become a stella member :
A little note from our cooperation partner…
…which I am more than happy to be able to share.
A new beamer for our educational refugee center in Munich
Dear Stella Supporters!
Once again, I am very happy that we could support one of our cooperation partners in Munich. Thanks to you and your generous financial contribution, we were able to provide the refugee center in Munich with an urgently required beamer (I just transferred the money, photos to follow). The refugee center is focusing on helping non-accompanied young refugees and is providing them with private educational courses to pass the State exams. Continue reading
Why did I choose to found Stella Enabling Education?
I keenly packed my backpack during the university breaks and buzzed of to foreign places: Low budget and with the chance to connect with the locals. Of course, I have been exposed to social challenges during my travel trips and asked myself: What determines whether I see the light of life in the mountain villages of the Himalayas, in a mud hut in southern Ethiopia or in economically developed Germany, where I have more chances in life to become who I would like to become – is it by chance? Why are women composing the highest number of people in the world who are suppressed since thousands of years? Why do they largely not recognizing their conditioning (as being – wrongly – viewed as “inferior to men”) and even transfer this wrong thinking to their daughters? Why do little girls often not get the same opportunities from their parents in life as their brothers?
About the importance of Gender Equality
I just watched Emma Watson’s speech about gender equality again. Since 2014 it has not lost its relevance. She is so right in what she is saying: how many men are imprisoned in gender stereotypes? Gender equality also means that men neither need to be aggressive nor in need to control anymore to be accepted. What is more beautiful than a man who dares to show us his vulnerable side?
Our top music video of the day for you!
Keep the good spirit and smile! Also to strangers – you will be surprised ! With love, Corinna
Have a French relaxed day – love to you :)
Have a French relaxed day – love to you 🙂
Yipee – more books for our school in Leh…
…dear sponsors, you are great! Thanks for your support! Hugs & Love for you 🙂 Continue reading
Little greetings from the pupils from our Leh mountain school !
Dear Stella supporters, enjoy the pictures coming far from our boarding school in the Himalaya mountains documenting their day-life. For sure, the standard is different that one would apply for a European school. But do not forget the local conditions in the remote mountain area with no schools close by, no opportunity to learn to write and to count. The children are living in the mountain school and enjoying the vacation time with their family. Bringing back to their villages what they learned in the school. “If you educate one child, you educate a whole village” – how true this sentence is. Continue reading
Our song of the day for a happy day for you!
Enjoy our song of the day for a happy day for you 🙂
Nice pics from our school in Leh/ India
Nice pics from our school in Leh/ India.
Join and become a Stella Member for only 49 EUR per year
Join our community and become a Stella Member for only 49 EUR, tax deductible 🙂
Just sign here and send it back to
It is easy to do good.
Thanks to all Stella Christmas supporters!
Wir hatten die Leiter der Bergschule in Leh, Nordinien, im November 2016 nach ihrem aktuell dringendsten Bedarf befragt. Die Antwort war simple: Waschmaschinen für die mehr als 250 Schüler, die in der Bergschule nicht nur unterrichtet werden sondern die dort auch wohnen. Die jeweiligen Heimatdörfer liegen teilweise mehr als einen Tagesmarsch von der Schule in Leh entfernt. Continue reading
Münchner Bildungsreise mit Minis: auf zum Museum der fünf Kontinente
Jipee – wir freuen uns unseren Münchner Kinderhort in der Blumenauerstraße in München erneut unterstützen zu können! Wir fördern damit auch lokales Bildungsengagement und führen somit unsere erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit der städtischen Kita Blumenau auch in diesem Jahr fort.
Our music piece of the week for you :)
Our music piece of the week for you 🙂
Amazing – how time passes!
When I was the first time at our mountain school in Leh/ India, more than nine years ago, those kids were still so young…and now…look how mature they have become 🙂 Very glad we have been able to support the mountain school in Leh since almost ten years now. Thank you!
Unser kluger Satz des Tages kommt von Michelle Obama.
Unser kluger Satz des Tages kommt von Michelle Obama.
New school books for our scholars in Leh – many thankyous for you !
Today, I received the pictures from the arrival of the computer school books we bought for the Himalaya school in India. Without doubt, computer science is major – regardless where you are, here in Munich and there in the far away Indian mountains. Therefore, I am very proud that we could provide our students of the 9th and 10th grade with the desired books. Continue reading
Weihnachtsgrüße an alle Stella Unterstützer!
Heute hat mich eine kleine Aufmerksamkeit erreicht, die ich gerne virtuell teilen möchte da sie sich vor allem an alle Stella Unterstützer richtet, die uns schon lange treu zur Seite stehen. Bereits seit über zwei Jahren arbeiten wir, Stella Bildung Bewegt, mit der Initiative “Startklar” zusammen. Continue reading
Danksagung unseres Refugee Centers in München!
So lieb – ich kann das Lob und die Danksagung nur an alle Stella Unterstützer, die uns so lange bereits die Treue halten, weitergeben. Ohne Euch wäre Stella nicht möglich.
Herzlich, Corinna
Macht mit bei der Stella Weihnachtsaktion 2016
In unserer Bergschule in Leh in Nordindien werden mehr als 250 Schüler unterrichtet. Die Kinder wohnen und leben dort – doch Waschmaschinen gibt es keine. Wir wollen Abhilfe schaffen – beteiligt Euch! Für nur 30 EUR könnt Ihr einen Bauteil für eine der dringend benötigten Waschmaschinen beitragen. Continue reading
Stella Weihnachtsaktion 2016
Liebe Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. Gemeinschaft,
wie in den vergangenen Jahren, haben wir uns auch in diesem Jahr eine schöne Weihnachtsaktion für eines unserer Bildungsprojekte zum Mitmachen und zum Gutem tun überlegt. Ein kleiner Schritt für uns mit großer Wirkung für die, denen wir helfen möchten.
Auf Bildungswegen im Kinderhort Blumenau
Der Münchner Kinderhort in der Blumenauerstraße wird wieder von Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. unterstützt. Damit bekennt sich der gemeinnützige Verein zu lokalem Engagement und führt die erfolgreiche Aktion der Vorjahre fort.
Vor einiger Zeit haben wir bereits begonnen, das interkulturelle Projekt, das von den Verantwortlichen des Kinderhorts eigeninitiativ aufgebaut wurde, zu fördern. Es geht dabei darum, sich für ein stärkeres Verständnis verschiedener Kulturen und somit auch Religionen einzusetzen. In dem bayerischen Kinderhort liegt der Immigrantenanteil bei weit über 50%. Die Kleinen kommen aus fernen Ländern wie Irak, dem weiter kriegsgebeutelten Syrien, Russland oder der Türkei. Continue reading
Our latest images from Leh/ India
Dear Stella supports – here some photos from our school in Leh, India. More than 200 pupils who are coming from different corners from the high region of the Himalaya are attending school there. Our next project with Leh is the realization of washing machines for the scholars. Yes, you were reading correctly…washing machines: all the cloths for the around 250 scholars are currently washed by hand. More info on how you can contribute to follow ! For now enjoy the pics !!