Bali – distributing the most amazing teaching books ever ♥♥ – the books were designed by local artists and covered environmental issues as well as animal protection in such a sweet and convincing way that I started to read the books myself with huge enthusiasm. ❤ We want to do more. Support our work if you feel it’s a good thing:
Author Archives: Stella Enabling Education Team
Amazing friends
AMAZING FRIENDS. Earlier this week, I received a little message from a friend of mine. She is a beautiful young physiotherapist with a big big heart. She heard that we are currently looking for more funds for Stella to realize our projects. So, she took over the initiative and has asked within her family to support us and has transferred 400 EUR to our account. Thanks so much!! Love, Corinna-Rosa
Pottery Class for traumatized Women in Munich
Pottery class for traumatized women in Munich: We are not just happy but thrilled to have launched our first pottery course for traumatized women in Munich! It starts today, Wednesday, the 2nd of May, and will run for two months teaching more than 15 women how to express themselves through art. Pottery is a chance to feel new material in ones hands and to shape a new unique figure that never existed before. The participating women all have a social background in which the expression of an own character was often not taught, neither encouraged. They come from financially underprivileged families and/ or were sexually abused. For most of these women it is the first time in their life to get the chance to enter into a new life dimension. By taking the time and by being guided by an expert to first feel and then shape, to create an external body form of what they experience(d) deep inside. You think this is cool? Support us:
More swimming lessons for young refugee women in Munich
After we successfully launched the first swimming training round for young refugee women, we are planing to organize more in Munich! Swimming is not only a playful activity to strengthen the whole physical body but also a beautiful occasion to get in resonance with ones own body. A lot of the refugee women are traumatized and have barely had the occasion to “feel themselves” as their major focus was to reach the country they were always dreaming of as being a “better place” to their home place. Being in a swimsuit, learning how to swim and being encouraged to go on the edge create a chance to further develop ones own personality. We love it. Want to support this project financially ? Click here.
Donation ecstasy!
Dear supporter, we would looooove to enlarge our library project on Bali but we need you for this. Donate. Now. On you can find the donation button. Here on of our last videos – thanks you !
Club of Rome
This morning, I already had an early morning talk with the representative of the Club of Rome Germany, Mr. Andreas Huber. The NGO is based in Hamburg. It is an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference. Their members are notable scientists, economists, businessmen and businesswomen, high level civil servants and former heads of state from around the world. We agreed to meet soon, exchange views and evaluate synergies. Happy end of the week – with love, Corinna-Rosa
Zur Bildung gehört auch eine spritzige Portion Neugierde !
Aus dem aktuellen Street Philosophy, schöne Gedanken verfasst von Julia Kalmund:
Selten denken wir darüber nach warum wir Menschen neugierig sind; eine seltsame Eigenschaft, die an viele Empfindungen anknüpft: Sensationslust, ein Prickeln vor dem Unbekannten, Wissbegierde, wenn es darum geht Neues kennen zu lernen.
Alles, was sie umgab zu erkunden, war der Antrieb für die ionischen Naturphilosophen “hinter die Dinge zu schauen” und auch für Platon war Staunen der Anfang der Philosophie.
“Das Staunen ist die Einstellung eines Mannes, der die Weisheit wahrhaft liebt, ja es gibt keinen anderen Anfang der Philosophie als diesen.” – Platon
Der Philosoph Peter Bieri schreibt in seinem kleinen Buch “Wie wäre es gebildet zu sein?”:
“Bildung beginnt mit Neugierde. Man töte in jemandem die Neugierde ab, und man nimmt ihm die Chance, sich zu bilden. Neugierde ist der unersättliche Wunsch zu erfahren, was es in der Welt alles gibt.”
Wenn man die Entwicklung der Reisefreudigkeit beobachtet, dann geben wir uns nicht mit Faulenzen am Strand, Sonnenanbeten zufrieden, auch nicht mit sportlichen Herausforderungen. Wir bereisen die Welt, sind neugierig, erkunden andere Kulturen, lernen andere Völker kennen, bewundern ihre Geschichte und im besten Fall nehmen wir etwas für uns mit nach Hause, das uns bereichert und bildet.
Im Umkehrschluss birgt mangelnde Neugier die Gefahr, dass wir das “Fremde”, das Andersartige abtun und verteufeln. In unserer Geschichte hat diese mangelnde Offenheit zu Kriegen und Grausamkeiten geführt.
Wir leben jetzt in Zeiten, wo wir Informationen jederzeit anzapfen können. Sind wir neugierig, können wir googeln, und unsere Neugierde befriedigen. Das bringt uns viel, und es gibt vielen Menschen die Chance zu lernen, zu forschen, sich weiterzubilden, ohne kostspielige Reisen, ohne sich fortbewegen zu müssen. Manchmal mangelt es dadurch an persönlichem Austausch, und dennoch öffnet es Horizonte und spornt an.
Sicher haben wir schon lange, seitdem es Zeitungen gibt, und das sind über 200 Jahre, unsere Neugier in den Printmedien ausleben können. Wir verfolgen Stars und Starlets, ohne es uns vielleicht einzugestehen, und folgen einer Sensationsgier wenn etwas auf der Welt schiefläuft.
Wären die Sozialen Medien ohne Neugierde das geworden, was sie sind? Sie nutzen das aus, was uns Menschen zu eigen ist: aus Neugier das Intimste aus aller Welt, von Jedermann zu erfahren, und gleichzeitig uns selbst preiszugeben, damit andere sich daran laben.
“Egal!” würde man sagen, Neugier ist Neugier und wir können und wollen nicht ohne diese Eigenschaft leben. Wie bei allem hat auch die Neugier Licht- und Schattenseiten, und wir müssen vielleicht manches mal hinterfragen, was unsere Motive sind. Im besten Falle sind wir mit offenem Herzen und einem offenen Geist unterwegs, wohlwollend und bereit uns selbst und die Welt besser zu verstehen. Dann bleiben wir unseren Werten und der Aufgabe der Philosophie treu.
Julia Kalmund, April 2018
Images from the “old” library on Bali
We have distributed new books to the Northern part of Bali. Here an image from how the library looked before.
Umweltbildung ist notwendig, für Groß und Klein
Wir brauchen nicht nur Bildung in Schreiben und Rechnen sondern auch Bildung in Fragen des Umweltschutzes. Ohne intakte Umwelt wird sich der Mensch recht schwer tun mit dem Überleben. So einfach ist das. Da bringt dann Schreiben und Rechnen auch nix mehr.
Im Jahr 2016 starben knapp ein Drittel der Korallen am Great Barrier Reef. Das ist krass.
“Wissenschaftler haben neue Erkenntnisse zum “Massensterben” am Great Barrier Reef vorgestellt: Demnach wurden 2016 durch hohe Wassertemperaturen 30 Prozent der Korallen zerstört – und zwar schneller als befürchtet.”
Mehr dazu:
Accomplished: Swim training for young refugee women in Munich!
We are were glad that we could organize swim training for young refugee women in Munich this year. Judith Stangl realized the project. Most of the women come from an islamic background. Most of them never learned how to swim. It is great seeing them enjoying their swim lessons that took place during a 2 months training. More info about this endeavor to come soon!
Taxiunternehmen nur für Frauen
Diese Mexikaner haben ein Taxiunternehmen nur für Frauen gegründet

Zum ganzen Artikel geht es mit einem Klick hier.
Donations required ❤️
Dear friends, we have so many lovely projects we would love to realize. Maybe today is a great day to donate and feel good after ? klick in our donation button on ❤
We did it : New library equipment for a remote school in the Northern part of Bali! Yeah!!
In January, I was in the Northern part of Bali helping to build up a library for more than 100 sweet elementary school kids. I will soon share more about that story, but here already some images and a few words.
With Gusti, my amazingly sweet Balinease cooperation partner, we drove with our motorbikes through heavy rain, the 300 school books somehow well and dry-safe stored under our feed, on our backs and our hips until we have finally reached the school. The school is something like an hour out of Ubud, located in a non-touristic area. And, guess what – when we arrived, the sun was shining. Magic.
The school kids waved and welcomed us warmly. I am so happy that I could give a little bid back to this magical islands that has entered into my heart already 22 years ago when I first rode on its mystical waves during my first visit here. I would love to do more here to strengthen the local cultural development.
If you feel like this is a good thing, support our pro bono initiative by liking us…
or even help us with donations
Each Euro is soo required.
Sharing is caring, that is what can be read everywhere – so let’s practice it!
Love – Coco
Donations instead of Bday gifts ❤️
What for a lovely surprise ! When I checked the Stella account recently, I found various money transfers of 20€, 50€ and even 150€ in our favour. I did not know the donors but some of them stated via their transfers “instead of a birthday present for…” or just “great work”. Behind this positive surprise for us was a woman I never met in person until today. She is friend of a friend of a friend of mine (really!) and she decided to not receive birthday presents but to ask for a donation for the good cause instead and provided her friends with our bank account detail as well as our homepage. We could receive more than 1300€ through this sweet personal initiative. I felt so grateful for this blessing that helps us to further realise our educational projects. A big big big thank you ❤❤!! Corinna-Rosa
Spontaneous membership request ❤️
Oh – a little while ago, we received a new membership with a sweet note – great 🙂 the more power, the more we can do. Don’t stop and smile thanks dear Lisa ❤
Charity Art Auction
CHARITY ART AUCTION: Almost ten years ago, I have organised a charity art auction at the Lenbachhaus in Munich. Around twenty artists donated each one piece of their oeuvres for the good cause. Classical music was played by musician friends of mine. The outcome was overwhelming. We made more than 13.000€ on that night. The artists Haying Xu and Jan Davidoff joined the Stella initiative ten years ago as well and we became good friends since ten. We met last week at the art opening of Haying in the gallery Binder. This is where these pictures were made. This is her work (which I admire a lot). With Anna Wondrak, a well-respected art historian, we have recently started to plan another charity art auction in Munich. More information to be provided soon! I am already looking very much forward to the next Stella event ! Enjoy your sweet Sunday ❤☀❤
Why do we not do better?
There is sufficient money in the world to serve everybody as there is sufficient food in the world to serve everybody. Nobody really needs to life in poverty as no one really needs to die due to hunger. Human made issues. Why do we not do better?
A new image from our school in Leh/ India
Stella Enabling Education has been supporting the boarding school in Leh, India, since more than ten years. More than 1000 pupils were enabled to go to school since then.
Have a lovely day – yours, Corinna-Rosa
Sunday surprise! Always welcome!
Good morning little beautiful world – you are so amazing and daily full with surprises. Like today, as I woke up, checked the account of my little NGO Stella Enabling Education and found many beautiful small money transfer transactions to our favor. Someone who has had recently her birthday party, obviously have asked to receive donations for the good cause instead of presents for herself. Many people, I never met before, donated therefore parts of their income to us so that we, the Stella community, can continue our work. I have founded Stella ten years ago and am working in my free time to keep the organization ongoing. All the money we receive flows directly into our projects. We could reach almost 4000 kids in the meantime. You see, sooo much is possible if you only believe in it and know what you want. Thank youuuuuuuu – with much much love, Corinna-Rosa
We love this Indian greeting so much!
We love this Indian greeting so much!
Ted Talks about green education
Watch this inspiring talk of John Hardy and his idea about sustainable education. Can we build the same in Bavaria? Who is in?
Action. Smile.
Get in touch with others. Smile. A beautiful gift that can change so much. Love, Corinna
Früher Manager, jetzt Lehrer?
Wie das geht, das beschreibt Financial-Times-Kolumnistin Lucy Kellaway, die Manager für den Lehrerberuf gewinnen will, in diesem Artikel.
All the best….
….some more hours to go to reach a new year, a new fresh start. All the best for 2018 from the whole Stella team!
Dance workshop in Munich with Laura Much – what a sweet memory
Some years ago, Laura Much organized a dance workshop for traumatized children in Munich. They loved it. It was amazing to watch them wildly dancing to crazy music.
video width=”400″ height=”300″ mp4=”″
Merry XMAS to all of you!!!
Join our Stella community!
Join our community and become a Stella Member for only 49 EUR, tax deductible 🙂örderverein.pdf – just sign and send it back to
It is easy to do good.
Still searching for the right xmas present?
Make a donation for Stella Enabling Education here and donate your donation as a gift to a person you really care for.
And this is an example of what we from Stella can achieve.
You do not need to be a social worker to help
You do not need to be a social worker to help. Your contribution can help us provide education to the underprivileged.
Donate: Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. Stadtsparkasse München Konto: 1000591360 | BLZ: 70150000 IBAN: DE21701500001000591360 | BIC: SSKMDEMM
Books for Leh!
Here our video from Leh for you. We have been supporting the school since more than ten years. Hundreds of hundreds of scholars were able to learn how to write, to read and to do maths. This year, we could provide them with tons of new school books. The children do come from remote parts of the Himalaya and need sometimes a couple of days to reach the boarding school. Have a look yourself: our scholars definitely enjoy them. Thanks to your generosity! Love Corinna-Rosa
You want to meet the real heros?
Just recently, we could be the sunshine for 70 little kids. But who is really behind the “we”? Stella just helped to raise the money. Anja & her colleagues, the childcare teacher, did the real work: they colored 70 (!) bags so that each child could hold their surprises tightly in their little hands. Just so often, we forget to thank all the teachers, nurses and other healthcare workers for what they do for our society. THANK YOU 🙂 – in particular, when a little extra honey, as coloring those brown bags, is added. Love, Corinna
In preparation for Xmas…
…check out this sweet XMAS surprise we organized 2 years ago for these refugees…it was a beautiful night 🙂
Within only a couple of days, we raised 700 EUR…
…and could make Saint Nicolas came. 70 little kids, from whom around 80% come from families without a job, were enjoying his show. We made them (and obviously me) not only smile but could offer them also a hand-made colored gift bag with toothpaste, shower gel & more.
You want to support us? Happy to receive your donations: IBAN: DE21701500001000591360 // Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. Stadtsparkasse München
How to do good? Read it here!
Join our community and become a Stella Member for only 49 EUR, tax deductible 🙂örderverein.pdf – just sign and send it back to
It is easy to do good.
“We love our new beds” – Thank you Stella !
We are so happy that we could provide our partner school in Delhi with strongly needed new beds ! We received this little video – ENJOY!!!
We made it – Saint Nicolas came to our little ones
We made it ! Last Wednesday, we could invite Saint Nicolas to our little ones. Within only a couple of days, we received the required 700€ so that 70 children could happily go home with a little present bag. Only useful things were provided such as shower gels or tooth brushes. 80% of the young children come from families in which both parents are unemployed. Some kids are coming to kindergarten without breakfast. Can you imagine that this is happening in the center of Munich, just around the train station, some hundred meters away from our elegant Maximiliansstrasse ? Life is full of opposites. Sometimes challenging as in the described context but charming in other situations as well. Happy Advent – Sunday – Yours Corinna
Become a Stella Member!
Become a Stella Member and fill out the form here. Please send it signed back to! Also a nice gift idea 🙂
Success story with our partner in Leh
I am very glad that we have been partnering since almost ten years with our mountain school in Leh. This has been such a beautiful journey of strong communication, cultural exchange and trust. Thank you. Corinna
Make a gift to yourself: become a Stella Member!
Join our community and become a Stella Member for only 49 EUR, tax deductible 🙂örderverein.pdf – just sign and send it back to
It is easy to do good.
Your friend is already having all? Then donate and offer him a Stella gift certificate!
Make a gift and donate to Stella so that we are also in the future able to support the underprivileged. Only then we can realize such beautiful projects as the one attached here! lovelovelove 🙂