Have a look here, dear friends! Some latest shots from Leh (India) just reached me and I thought it would be great to share them with you! I have been knowing the school since its very beginning. The day when the first school room was finished. I stayed in Leh for the first time over the summer time and I remember how terrible cold it can get in the mountain region even in the “best” part of the year. This was more than nine years ago and I am so happy that I can still support their efforts to bring education to this remote area of the world. In particular the girls do need it. It is not unsual to not know exactly the own biological father (as there are too less women compared to men, so…), to marry with the begin of puberty… We all need not only the skill to write and do maths but also a strong core personality to succeed in life! Support us by donating to Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. | Stadtsparkasse München | Konto 1000591360 | BLZ 70150000 | IBAN DE21 7015 0000 1000 5913 60 | BIC SSKMDEMM ** Thanks so much! With love for a happy, thankful Sunday – Yours, Corinna