Who is Stella?

Stella Enabling Education would never have developed so far without its “stars”. The “Stella Stars” are those engaged friends of mine that have supported Stella through their knowledge, motivation and active participating during the last years.

Our Stella “stars” and their engagement:

Some of our guiding lights (irrespective of the order): Katrin Pfeiffer, Dr. Klaus Obermeier, Christian Hilbich, Dr. Florentine Ferk, Dr. Tobias Irmscher, Barbara Gasteiger, Melanie Voss, Lilian Brandtstaetter, Jennifer Wörl, Paul Schulze-Cleven, Kezi Bildiri, René Arbeithuber, Sylvie Arlaud, Florian Baumgartner, Jörg Besser, Eva Blanché, Jan Davidoff, Caroli Dienst, Inge Doldinger, Jasmine Dürr, Verena Frensch, Anne Graaff, Haiying Xu, Patrick Jeune, Pit Kinzer, Johannes Koch, Otto von Kotzebue, Ursel & Florian Breitreiner, Cornelia Villa, Daniel Schmidt, Daniel Lange, Susanne Merk, Karl-Peter Penke, Silke Leicher, Sabine Rosenberger, Veronica Weisser, Ulla Schirmbeck, Ramona Schintzel, Eva Schwab, Richeza Herrmann, Ellen Strasser, Grete Anouk Turtur, Julia Winter, Luca Pes, Ariane Bergstermann-Casagrande, Matthias Beck, Andrea von Gleichenstein, Michael Anthony, Christian von Hoerner, Prof. Johann Mösenbichler, Prof. Susanne Porsche, Iris Momber, Harold Kühlbrandt, Gerhard Kuhn, Ursula Billig, Marlene Hahn, Gerhard Joksch, Dr. Martin Schwab, Norma Raupach, Christoph Dammert, Michael Acapulco, Bianca Artopé, Dörthe Bäumer, Katharina Daxenberger, Ruth Detzer, Isabelle Dyckerhoff Susanne Eckes, Anna Frydman, Fabien Gatermann, Maria Justus, Stefanie Höll, Nina Hölzl, House for Kids, Patrick Jeune Victor Kraus, Nina Annabelle Märkl, Daniel Man,Jozef Melichercik, Milan Mihajlovic, Pezi Novi, Mirella Panichi,Sibylle Rath, Nanni Schiffl-Deiler, Karen Schmidt, Alex Stadtbäumer, Anja Verbeek von Loewis, Silvia Wienefoet, Stefan Wischnewski and many more… thank you so much for your ongoing support!

  • Corinna-Rosa Falkenberg, Vorstandsvorsitzende 


Being an accredited lawyer holding a Ph.D. in international environmental law as well as a Sorbonne LL.M. degree, I completed my academic career through studies in political sciences and naturopathy for psychology. I strongly believe that complex situations often require creative solutions, for instance through exploring the world while traveling or when working on professional projects. I also learned that life is a struggle for many of us. This led me to found the non-profit initiative ‘Stella Enabling Education’. This pro bono work completes my personal value scheme of life. For the last decade, I have been working as an international M&A project manager for a large multinational corporation.

  • Major of Munich, Dieter Reiter

portrait_ob-reiter_2014_neu_ohg_hf KopieDieter Reiter was patron of our Charity Concert in 2015 as did his predecessor Christian Ude for our Charity events in the last years.

“Bildungschancen verbessern: Das ist der Schlüssel, um sozial benachteiligten Kindern und Jugendlichen bessere Lebenschancen zu eröffnen. Genau das hat sich der gemeinnützige Verein „Stella Bildung Bewegt“ zur Aufgabe gemacht, als hoch motivierter, engagierter und kompetenter Förderer von bislang fünf Bildungseinrichtungen in vier Ländern, darunter auch einer in München. Ich begrüße die vorbildliche Arbeit, die der Verein dabei leistet, ausdrücklich. Sehr gerne habe ich daher zum Zeichen meiner Anerkennung und Wertschätzung die Schirmherrschaft für das jüngste Benefizkonzert in der Schwabinger Seidlvilla übernommen. Und sehr gerne sage ich dem Team von „Stella Bildung Bewegt“ für sein beispielhaftes ehrenamtliches Engagement sowie allen, die den Verein bei seinen Aktivitäten unterstützen, auch an dieser Stelle meinen herzlichen Dank!”

  • Sarah Rohmann

Unsere Hilfe aus der Ferne: Sarah ist eine wahrhaft internationale Rechtsanwältin mit Spezialgebiet Arbeitsrecht. Studiert hat sie zunächst mehrere Jahre in Düsseldorf, wo sie ihr 1. Staatsexamen absolvierte, und dann in Paris, wo sie neun Jahre lang als Rechtsanwältin für internationale Großkanzleien tätig war. Nun lebt sie in Kanada, wo sie für eine kanadische Kanzlei agiert. Sie ist wesentlicher Mit-Initiator unseres “Art Happening im Heizkraftwerk”, die im Oktober 2018 in München stattfand, treibt das Relationship Management und kümmert sich um unsere Spendenquittungen. 


  • Claudia von Uckermann

Claudia von Uckermann ist studierte Wirtschaftsjuristin und als Steuerberaterin auf internationalem Gebiet bei einem Münchner Automobilhersteller tätig. Sie unterstützt uns in organisatorischen Fragen und Aufgaben. Dazu zählte auch das “Art Happening im Heizkraftwerk” im Oktober 2018. 


  • Sohini Karmakar 

1173832_585569231500363_331794768_nSohini – an amazingly positive and cheerful young lady – is based in Delhi, India. She is our reliable and fast respondent contact to Udayan Care, a non-profit-organization which works for the quality care of orphaned and abandoned children, underprivileged women and youth for more than 20 years so far. Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. is supporting the initiatives of Udayan Care since the year 2008. Sohini works in close collaboration with Kiran Modi, the founder of Udayan Care whom I have been knowing since 2009. Sohini is the one I have been mainly in touch when we evaluate which project in Delhi Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. can support. If you want to find more about…please continue here.

I belong to a small town of West Bengal in India. After finishing my Masters in Philosophy and later M.Phil in Cognitive Science, I have shifted to the capital city, New Delhi, with an objective to know and work in different culture, meet new people and use the exposure that the city brings with itself. I started working with a policy research firm where I served as a research support for the Parliamentarians of India on wide ranging issues like Health, Education, Climate, Land Rights, Food Distribution, Millennium Development Goals and advocate for the policy level changes. The idea for working with children always fascinated me, as my M.Phil thesis gave me an opportunity to work with disabled (blind) and children with special needs (autism). Just then, Udayan Care happened to me, (a non-profit-organization which works for the quality care of orphaned and abandoned children, underprivileged women and youth for the last 21 years across 13 cities and 8 states in India). You know you are at the right place when your little effort brings smiles to those faces. Makes my day indeed. While working here till today, I managed to finish my 2nd Masters in International Family Studies. When not working, I pack my bags and travel-alone to have some me time and click photographs, spend some time with family whenever I can, make friends who are not my age, do not speak my language and do not belong to the same social strata that I come from. That is how I am growing each day! Otherwise, I enroll myself in online courses, read articles, watch films, wait for Oscars and every other day I add things to do to my bucket list.”

  • Anna Wondrak

Anna Wondrak is a freelance art historian and curator for contemporary art. Besides her curatorial work she consults and supports private art collections for a rapidly growing international clientele. Together with Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V., she helped organizing our charity art auction in October 2018. www.annawondrak.de

  • Dr. Stefan Bergheim

stefan-bergheimDr. Stefan Bergheim ist Direktor der 2009 gegründeten gemeinnützigen Denkfabrik „Zentrum für gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt“ in Frankfurt am Main. Dort erarbeitet er mit einem großen Netzwerk engagierter Menschen neue Wege und Methoden, wie die Lebensqualität der Menschen in Deutschland verbessert werden kann.  Zuvor war er als Volkswirt für führende Banken tätig. 2011/12 hat er im Zukunftsdialog der Bundeskanzlerin die Arbeitsgruppe “Wohlstand, Lebensqualität und Fortschritt” geleitet und begleitet nun die Regierungsstrategie “Gut leben in Deutschland” im wissenschaftlichen Beirat. Er ist Mitglied im Beirat des Happiness Instituts und war Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität St. Gallen. Von der Frankfurter Rundschau, der Wirtschaftswoche, der Financial Times Deutschland und dem trend update wurde er porträtiert und von der FAZ interviewt.

  • Christine Stahl

Unbenannt1According to a recent UNESCO study more than half a billion children still live in abject poverty. More than 100 million children cannot acquire even basic skills in reading and writing, as they do not even receive primary education“, said the politician who was one of the invited speaker at our charity concert 2010 in the Theatinerkirche in Munich.

Christine is a Bavarian politician and was not only member of the Bavarian parliament but also its vice president. If you are interested in reading her opening words, please continue here.

  • Florian Breitreiner

Florian is a lawyer working for Dentons, an international law firm. He is based in Munich and has been supporting Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. since the last years. He participated at our art auction, joins each charity concert and e.g. played chauffeur for driving cloth donations to the Munich Kindl-Heim where there were more than 100 children in winter 2015 domiciled and looked after. This is where the shot of Florian was taken.

  • Laura Much

Laura1Since 2013 Laura Much has helped out on our charity concerts – she was the lovely smiling woman one could met at the entrance of the venue. For our charity concert in 2013 Laura also published a radio interview about Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. Since 2017 Laura works as an Assistant Social Media Expert for Stella.

Laura Much is a contemporary dancer as well as an engaged and studied political scientist. She is a real globetrotter who yet lived despite her young age in different cities worldwide (e.g. Hong Kong, Istanbul, New York or Quito). She combined her habitation with getting active in local projects, internships or social engagement (e.g. human rights engagement in different countries in Latin America). She has a strong passion for other cultures and follows in particular the aim for a global satisfaction of basic needs in this world. Facing the global challenges of poverty, lack of education and inequality, her main objective is contributing to the creation of equal opportunities and establish understanding and communication between different counterparts.

  • Familie Fürstenberg

“Als glückliche Eltern von drei gesunden Kindern, denen es an nichts fehlt, wollten wir die Taufe unserer beiden Jungen gerne nutzen, um ein gemeinnütziges Projekt zu unterstützen und somit voller Dankbarkeit unser Glück zu teilen. 
So baten wir unsere Gäste im Herbst 2015, auf Geschenke für Maximilian und Alexander zu verzichten und stattdessen an Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. zu spenden. Als Lehrerin weiß ich sehr genau, wie wichtig der Zugang zu Bildung und ein guter Start ins Erwachsenenleben ist. Über die große Spendenbereitschaft unserer Familien und Freunde und die Tatsache, dass Macquarie, der Arbeitgeber meines Mannes, den gespendeten Betrag verdoppelt hat, haben wir uns sehr gefreut. Unseren Kindern möchten wir viele Möglichkeiten aufzeigen, sich zu engagieren und Gutes zu tun und selbst mit gutem Beispiel voran gehen.” – Stephanie Fürstenberg

  • Judith Stagl

Judith Stagl is a passionatly curious and warm-hearted person and joined the Stella team in 2017. She is a natural scientist as well as a philosopher by education and holds a PhD in climate impact research. With her idealistic, but pragmatic hands-on mentality Judith supports Stella’s social media activities, manages selected key accounts like the swimming courses for refugee woman and updated the annual report for the years 2014-2016.

  • Benjamin Wesch 

FullSizeRender-2Benjamin is a talented musician who was leading our Charity Concert in January 2015 in the Munich Seidlvilla. I met him while I was looking for a guitar teacher. Being impressed by his why to let the guitar strings elicit charming tunes made me ask him in summer 2014 whether he would like to play for Stella. “Therefore I would need a band” – was his reply. Said and done – he asked his fellows and they founded the band “Unterbau”. The musical night in January 2015 in the Munich Seidlvilla soaked in Gipsy Jazz flavour was a great pleasure for the audience who could walk back home during the freezing Munich winter night with a warm smile on their faces.

  • Dr. Svenja Stengel

Svenja is a medical doctor, specialist on endocrinology and has been collaborated with Stella for the last couple of years. She is based in Munich and mother of a beautiful daughter. We have been friends for almost two decades now. See also:  https://www.dr-stengel.de/projekte/


  • Marissa Feulner


Marissa Feulner is a very special woman. She is full of joy, positive thoughts and encouragement. She is a studied economist and currently working in the Real Estate area. She was moderating the 2009 art auction in the Künstlerhaus in Munich that we were organizing as one of our fund raising event. Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. brought together more than a dozen of national and international artists who were willing to endow their oeuvres for the good cause. Stella could raise more than 12.000 EUR on that night.

  • Johannes Müller

10290697_709451789114941_6788926805738976303_nJohannes Müller was speaking to the audience on January 15th during our Stella Charity Concert in 2015 regarding the importance of education. He accompanied the development in Afghanistan on-site as a document photography and shared with us first-hand his experiences in a impressive speak.

Johannes is not just a passionate photographer but also the responsible for communication for a major German industry player.

  • Eva Römmelt 


Eva Marie Romstätter, Marketing Girl, PR-Fairy and Social Media Master Mind. Passionate biker-girl, loves nature, sewing, handcrafts and intelligent & open-minded people.
Searching for simple things and words to make this world a better place every day.

Eva supported our work not only with her PR connection but also by designing the charity concert invitation cards for Stella!

  • Martin Schlögl


“My name is Martin and I am the founder of Xumbalu. I like to look at life as a big game in which everyone choses a certain role and wears one or more proper costumes. From this point of view I see myself in the role of a musician who has different costumes to wear and instruments to play, depending on the occasion. My screenplay offers a lot of variety and comes up with surprises on a regular basis.”

Martin is a multi-talented young man who has not stopped to support Stella and its activities since the foundation of the association. He is also responsible for the annual kicker championship of Simpack that takes place before christmas for the benefit of our projects. Further, he has been initiated independent social projects. Check out his latest undertakings at http://www.xumbalu.com.

  • Cornelia Villa


Cornelia Villa, Austrian origin, is currently working in different management roles for one of the leading German based social network companies. While she has still been in strategy consultancy, she has worked as an external consultant in 2009 for Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. on a pro bono base resulting from the Start Social Price that was awarded to us in the same year.


  • Inga Däubner

IngaInga Däubner, born in the Southern part of Bavaria, studied music and is currently working as a freelance music teacher and musician in Munich. She has been supporting Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. through her musical talent by playing the Oboe at fundraising events. Inga enjoys travelling throughout the world. Her music is always accompanying her. In 2014, she taught Nepalese children in Pokhara to play the recorder. This is also where the picture on the left was taken.

  • Dijana Kaiser


I have been knowing Dijana since 2008. She is incredible helpful. Whenever Stella was organizing one of its fund raising events, she offered her supporting hand – no matter whether it was to distribute our invitation flyers to pedestrians in the Brienner Strasse or whether it was to help building up the stage for the musicians of our charity concert at the Theatinerkirche: she was always there, not only reliable but als with her warm smile on her face. A pleasure knowing her!

Dijana was born in Travnik, Bosnia. When the civil war started, she moved with her family to Croatia. Since 1993, Dijana has been living in Munich. After her A-levels, she finished her kindergarten teacher training. The main focus of her work is intercultural education and is currently leading a childcare center in Munich with a special focus on philosophical discours with children (how exciting is this !).

  • Sudip Roy

1891029_10152235325491223_1900386355_nSudip is working for Deutsche Bank and is an advisory specialist for fixed income EMEA. Before joining Deutsche Bank, Sudip worked in the Corporate Strategy Group at the Worldbank in Washington DC and as a management consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. Sudip has Indian origins. He has not just been a lovely colleague of mine at Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt as well as a close friend but became also one constant supporter of Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. since its foundation in 2009.

  • Ulrike Staudinger

Ulrike has been supporting Stella since autumn 2014. She is the one who took care of the reservation list for our Charity Concert 2015 – the charming replies to your requests and questions were hers. Further, she is in charge sending out the contribution receipts to sponsors. And last but not least: she is always a convincing sparing partner to me.

  • Annette Stalz

Annette was designing the invitation cards for the Charity Concert that took place in January 2015. Further, she was already a great help with setting up the night of our Charity Event in 2013 on site. Some of you could see her arranging chairs for the audience, while providing home made sweet cookies to all of us and welcoming the guests with a warm smile.

Annette always known that education can cause profound change. This is why she is supporting Stella with artwork and graphic design and has a helping hand when needed. Driven by her passion for the arts and beauty, Annette is living and working in Munich as freelance Art Director. She has longtime experience as creative lead in corporate design and visual communication. It’s her concern to reveal the connection of everything through creativity and let the essence shine through form.

  • Jan Philipp Soennecken

Box4Jan Philipp Soennecken is a colleague of mine who spontaneously joined packing a cute Christmas gift box for one of the children attending the day-care at Blumenau in Munich! In total, we initiated more than 40 Stella Supporters to pack Christmas gift boxes for our day care center in Blumenau in December 2014. The gifts were then provided to the children on site in the course of a Christmas party where also the parents participated. The children of the day care center do have to over 90% a migration background. In some of the families, the spoken language is not German – you can image how challenging it is for those kids to keep up with school class. Not only the children enjoyed their presents, but also those who packed the gifts, a pure win-win-situation I would say. If you want to read more…

  • Anneliese Bunk

PortraitAnneliese Bunk, a Munich based Design Director and mother of two lovely boys, helped me to complete and finalize the homepage design of Stella Bildung Bewegt e.V. The original design was created on an image based version, it was slow and not state-of-the-art. With the help of Anneliese, not only the look of the homepage became more professional but also the style changed into being more accessible, transparent and supporter friendly. We started to collaborate in 2012 and ever since, I enjoy sharing, discussing and enhancing project ideas with her.

  • Hubertus Wolff

L1050385------In 2010, Hubertus was sent as an intern to our Street Child Care Center in New Delhi. He was placed in one of the orphanages as an English teacher and overall caretaker for the children in the home. “Deeply impressed by the impact and the importance of the mission”, he decided to stay involved with Stella since then. Hubertus holds a degree in Quantitative Economics from École Normale Supérieure in Paris and LMU Munich and specialized in public Interventions in developing countries. Today Hubertus still keeps close links to his former Indian colleagues, students and friends.

  • Melanie Schaut 

“Ich bin Melly und freue mich so sehr nun ein Teil von Stella zu sein. Seit dem Sommer 2019 unterstütze ich den gemeinnützigen Verein im Bereich Social Media und Kommunikation. Ich arbeite als Yogalehrerin. 
Warum ich bei Stella mitmache? Hierfür musste ich keine Sekunde überleben ♥️ Für mich fühlt es sich wie ein Glücksgriff an eine Organisation gefunden zu haben, die soooo viel Herz, Freude und Transparenz zeigt. Das Geld kommt genau an der richtigen Stelle an.
Kennengelernt habe ich Corinna-Rosa bereits im Frühjahr 2019 auf Bali beim gemeinsamen Musik machen im Soma Café in Ubud. Sie hat mich direkt mit ihrer magischen Energie angesteckt! Liebe Coco, liebes Stella-Team – ich freue mich sehr Teil Eures Teams zu sein!”